There are some companies who don’t open the job posting. Thus, the candidates would like to be aware of the developments of these companies. They would prefer to work in these ones. If you wish to work in some companies that don’t open the suitable job positions for you, you can send en email or a letter that shows your interest in the jobs that they don’t open. You can write your preferences and choices to work in departments you want. It doesn’t sound irritating and annoying. On the other hand, you provide them with some awareness of the candidate like you. Thus, this passage talks about how letter of interest be written, what you should write on it. Thus, they can give you opportunities to work there in such companies by giving you the speed to find out a job.
Letter of Interest
It is a letter that shows your wish to work in some companies that don’t declare the positions by opening new positions. For instance, you would like to work in Microsoft. However, there isn’t a job posting about the position you wish on their websites or any other websites. You would like to work in that company. Thus, you can send a letter of interest that depicts your wish to work in that company along with your experiences.
How to Write It?
You should mention about what kind of job you wish to work in the company. The employers would like to anticipate what kind of qualifications, skills you possess. Besides, they would learn your experiences for the position you wish. You will be able to illustrate all the questions on their minds through the explanation of your brief information. In addition, you should clear the questions about why you are the most appropriate worker for that company. You should leave no question on their minds by means of letter of interests.
You can send your letter of interest not only the employer or administrator of the company but also the personal management. It will bring about the voice of a candidate like you.
You can give some important names belonging to this company on your letter of interest. You can add that you know some employees in that company you wish to work. Thus, you can give some references working in this company. It will be helpful to recognize your skills easily. For instance, you can show that you hear some news about the company from the employee in the sales department. If he or she is successful enough, they will easily give you opportunities to work under their roof of work.
The First Step
You should begin a sharking statement on your letter of interest. It is important that you should show how specialist person you are. That is to say, you should pay attention on the professional sentences.
Dear sir or Madam is an appropriate statement for the beginning. Or if you know the person you address, you can say his name or her name by saying Mr. or Mrs. Don’t say hello! Hi! These statements might make you an irritating candidate. It is away from the formal letter. And these kinds of expressions don’t show your sincerity along with professionalism.
The Second Step
Make an introduction of yourself along with your aims. Mention about special skills you possess that help you shine from other candidates. It is an important part how you explain yourself.
The Third Step
You should explain about the successes you had before. You can add more qualifications and skills you possess. How did you get achievement? What gave you a way to get the success? You can answer these questions to shine much more brilliantly. Besides, you can talk about your work and positions you had before.
The Last Step
In this step, you should declare your wish to talk to them individually by means of meeting or interview. You can also add your wish to come across many more opportunities of the company. Don’t forget to thank them. It will give you a chance to learn more about the company. Maybe you will come across more opportunities such as working there or training in that company.
Data of Contact
When you decide to send it to the company, you should give much information about communication such as email, phone number, or social media accounts. You can add Best regards along with your name, email address, phone number and your social media accounts.
Benefits of Letter of Interest
- It depicts your wish to work in the companies you wish.
- It supplies with aims and your interests in the company.
- A letter of interest portraits your personal development.
- It is a kind of formal document that includes your skills and qualifications.
- It will take place in a document in human resources.
- In the event of opening job positions, you will be on the front line to contact.
An Example of Letter of Interest
Dear Mr. Black,
I have been following all the developments of Microsoft since it opened. Besides, I joined many technological educations and seminars of Microsoft and considered how nice idea it would be to take participate in the Microsoft. This letter shows that I would like to work in Microsoft as Corporate Communications Specialist.
I have been working in X company as a corporate communication specialist for ten years. I improved myself by preparing brands and advertorials. Moreover, I planned organizations that are arranged in the institution. I can coordinate all the media communications. And I graduated from Marmara University, and I got scholarships there. Got many awards in company X in 2016 and 2018.
I would like to work in a large company any more. Microsoft improves itself with new innovations and developments. I would like to talk to you about the position of corporate communications. Could you tell me suitable day for the meeting?
Yours Sincerely
Numan Atasay
Email address
Social Media Account

All in all, letter of interest gives you many opportunities from the meeting to job positions. It will enable the employers to be aware of the candidate like you. Thus, you can send these letters any time you wish. However, you should follow some steps during writing this letter. It will be beneficial for you opening new doors.