Many people dream to travel or live in America nowadays. Thus, they research some alternatives to go there. However, not everybody is allowed to go and live there. They should follow some rules to achieve their goals. That is why they need to have a document that shows the permission to live there. So, who can get the permission to live there? Everybody is researching for the types of visa and its requirements to live in USA for a long time. As you wish, you can also live there by means of the possession of official visas. By means of these visas, you can also embrace your dreams easily. Thus, this passage talks about what kinds of visas you can get to live in USA.
Definition of Visas?
Visa is a kind of official document that proves your permission to live in abroad. Thus, people get the advantage of these visas to live in USA, too.
Types of Visas
Visa A
You can get this visa by means of diplomatic channels. It is a kind of diplomatic visa.
Visa B
It is for temporary visitors who would like to go for a sight-seeing in USA. Provided that you take participate in USA for just only for work or touristic aim, you should apply for the visas for B-1 or B-2. Therefore, it means that a worker who doesn’t belong to an American company comes to America to join in for a seminar or an educational program. Provided that you come to America via these visas, you can unite with an American company. However, you cannot work there. You can own some possessions and properties here. Yet, you cannot do anything except these things. B-1 visa permits you for a year, while B-2 one gives you allowances to live there for a month. Besides, you can often use B-2 visa.
Visa C
It is the document that proves your permission to transit pass through America.
Visa D
Visa D is for a personnel for either a ship or an airplane. Except these positions, anybody cannot possess this visa.
Visa E
It is for the investors and merchants. These visas permit you for most 5 years. There is no limitation except this one. All the countries benefit from this visa if they have agreement with USA. 50% of all the financial activities are on the base of agreement. These visas don’t give you the permission to live there permanently, yet you can spend much time by living there.
 Privileges of Visa E
- Provided that you invest at least 100.000 dollars, you can work in America.
- By the end of your permission, you can go there and exit as you wish.
- Provided that you provide all the circumstances, you can live there longer.
- There is no limitation to make the period longer to live there.
- Your spouse can benefit from this advantage, too.
Limitations of Visa E
- It is just only for the countries that agree with USA.
- You can work for your employer or company you own.
- Your relatives can stay at your home, but they cannot work there.
- If your sons or daughters are 21 years old, he or she should apply for his or her own visa.

Visas F or M
These are for students in USA. While the students studying for full time get the visa F, students who are getting technical education possess visa M. The privileges of both are approximately same. However, visa M permits you to work in a job that is related with your education. Before application of these documents, an institution must accept you.
Visa G
It is for diplomacy, international organization such as United Nations.
Visa H
It is for temporary jobs. It has four types.
H1-A is for nurses. H1-B, which is getting difficult to get, is for temporary jobs require bachelors’ degree. H-2 kinds are for the people who are qualified people that they come across rarely. For instance, the technicians can apply for this kind. H-3 is for younger ones who would like to get training. However, this training must be for any country except America.
Visa I
Agents for Media can get this type. For instance, a person who is working in journalism, radio or sector of movie can benefit from this type. They can live longer in America on condition that they must work in a job that America provides.
Visa J
It is the permission of visitors who join to changing program. It longs for between 12 and 18 months.
Visa K
A person who has a fiancé or a spouse can get the benefit of this advantage.
Visa L
It is for the people who are transferred to a company. Administrators, specialists who rely on their companies can get this one. Administrators use this advantage for seven years, whereas specialists utilize this benefit for 5 years. However, it is an important point that you can get the permission to live permanently there via by getting this one.
Privileges of L
- You can be transferred to USA legally.
- Your family can use this advantage.
- It is easy to get Green Card via this way.
Visas O, P R
Such visas are for successful people who are talented in the branch of trade, science, art, education, fun and athlete. Type R is for religious people.
Visa S
It is for the people who give some information about justice. Besides, it gives opportunity to live in America provided that they share some important events with American police.
Thus, you can understand that each visa has their requirements and procedures. Provided that you wish to live in America, your dreams might come true as the time passes. Apply for suitable visa for you, and then new doors will open to you. Give a chance for you and try it!