Anything that’s filled with pictures and stickers of cartoons and Barbie’s as well as smiley stickers. These cute little calendars can be a source of joy for your kids especially when they see their favorites cartoons on the calendar.
Making a simple September 2016 calendar cute is not rocket science; it just needs some patience and lots of happiness and creativity that is found only in kids. This can also be portrayed on your wardrobe and you can tell your friends, see my kid made this. You can keep it as a memory as well.
How to make a Cute September 2016 calendar at home
It’s simple, just put your kids to work and let them explore the artist in them. Do be with them while they are making it, as this will be a very good time and a memorable one as well with your kids. Give them all that they need, you know the best what your kid likes so give them that particular picture or color or stickers and very soon you will have a very cute calendar.