Resignation Letter
Nowadays, business world offers lots of new opportunities and workers sometimes can effect from these offers. It is a quietly normal situation. In such situations, workers decide to prepare a resignation letter. But to resign isn’t an easy decision. If you leave from a company which you have worked for long years, it is a rocky road in all probability. So there are some issues that you have to pay attention to get over that period easily:
-Points to Consider While Writing
There are four points to consider while writing a resignation letter. They are very important and essential points. You should read carefully these clauses.
- Don’t hurry up! Think in detail!
Doesn’t hurry up while you writing your letter? It is known that a great majority of these letters are prepared with anger, sadness and panic situations. Not to make such a mistake, you shouldn’t write your letter without thinking enough. If you want to resign, firstly spare the time for yourself to understand whether this decision is correct or not and look over your conditions again. Don’t forget that a decision which is decided suddenly can cause for you regret.
- While you are writing a resignation letter…
Resignation letters should be written as especially basic and clear. If you decide to resign, you should pay attention to these clauses and you should prepare it according to these rules;
- Date of the day when you give your letter
- Your institution’s and position’s name
- Date when you start to work
- Your official resignation declaration
- Last duty date when you advise
- Your signature
- Use an official language.
Resignation letters aren’t a platform which will have complaints and critics or will be talked about them. So, you should make an effort to use an official language and not to use a rude language. Prepare the letter by thinking that you will have a long career life and they can be a reference for your other works. You should give your letter by hand. It should be written to addressing Human Resources Department or General Department or authorized person. You should mention your name-surname, your institution and your position in the first part of the letter. Then, you should specify why you decide to leave the work as short and clear. Therefore you shouldn’t remark unnecessarily. You should mention your decision clearly.
- Thank!
For whatever reason it might be, while you leave your work, don’t use negative expressions in your letter. By making an effort to act kindly and professionally, thank your employer because of your opportunities and contributes. By giving your phone number, you can mention that they can call you for any question. So you can complete the period professionally.
- Make your resignation on time!
You should make your resignation on time. So, you can complete your works and you can have a period to be necessary to look for a new job. Also your employer can look for a new worker for your position. So the period when you have to mention your resignation, is specified with legislations. If you work for less than 6 months, you should send your resignation letter before at least two weeks. Also if you work for 6 months – 1,5 years, you should send it before at least four weeks. And if you work for 1,5 years – 3 years, you should send it before at least six weeks. Besides that if you work for more than 3 years, you should send it before at least eight weeks. You have to work at this period. Otherwise, you can have legal sanctions like payment in lieu of notice.
There is a resignation letter example here. Let’s research it;
In this letter, Katy Leonard is the worker. Firstly she wrote her name-surname and her address, connection information on the left part of the paper. By using a clear and kind language, she expressed herself, she confirmed her employer about her resignation. Herein the important one is this clear language. And she gave a date when she will leave the work. Then she mentioned her thank to her employer. Finally, she left a margin by saying that “If I can do anything to help with your transition in finding and training my replacement, please let me know.” It is an ideal resignation letter.
There is one more resignation letter example, if you need, you can examine it: