There are many people who are eager to work as marine. They would like to proceed themselves in the seas. Thus, they would prefer to work there. However, there are some strict rules to promote and to complete some training to achieve this. Thus, they must work from the beginning level by increasing the level through the education and promotion. There are many ranks that they should follow to promote as well. Since, all the ranks change on the base of time and education. It must be bizarre at first, but as the time passes the marines would like to spend their time on working this branch. And also there might be some vacancies on the base of situation. They could promote easily as the time passes. This passage talks about the ranks of marine corps and its promotion along with its abbreviations.
List of Marine Corps
E-1, Private, Pvt
E-2, Private First Class, PFC
E-3, Lance Corporal, LCpl
There some non commissioned officers. These are below.
E-4 Corporal, Cpl
E-5 Sergeant, Sgt
There are also staff noncommissioned officers below.
E-6 Staff Sergeant, SSgt
E-7 Gunnery Sergeant, GySgt
In E-8 rank, there are two Sergeants , one of which is Master Sergeant, MSgt,, The other one is First Sergeant, 1Sgt
In E-9 There are three Sergeants. The first one is Master Gunnery Sergeant, MGySgt, while the second one is Sergeant Major, SgtMaj. And the last one is Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.
All these ranks possess different responsibilities. For instance, E-8 and E-9 have different roles. Besides, Gunnery Sergeants show annual assessments along with their special reports. Master Sergeants of First Sergeants focus on the command. Besides, they work for the welfare and well disciplined atmosphere. In addition, Master Sergeants possess a leadership in these corps.
Furthermore, Sergeant Major is elected by Commander of Marine corps.
There are also Warrant officers
Warrant Officers
W-1, Warrant Officer 1, WO1
W-2, Chief Warrant Officer 2 , CWO2
W-3 Chief Warrant Officer 3, CWO3
W-4 Chief Warrant Officer 4, CWO4
W-5,Chief Warrant Officer 5, CWO5
Chief Warrant Officers are in special rank especially for CWO2-CWO5. Since their weapons are different.
There are some important commissioned officers, too. They are company grade officers. These are O-1, Second Lieutenant, 2ndLt, O—2, First Lieutenant, 1stLt, O-3, Captain, Capt. Field Grade officers include O-4, Major, Maj, O-5, Lieutenant Colonel, LtCol, O-6, Colonel, Col. Furthermore, There are also generals; O-7 Brigadier General, BGen, O-8, Major General, MajGen, O-9, Lieutenant General, LtGen, O-10, General, Gen. As you see that there is no rank of O-11 among these. No officer has the rank of O-11 in USA.
Time of Promotion
Do you know how long it takes to get the promotion? It relies upon the job and responsibilities. This period alters on the base of time.
Private First Class E-2 promotes in six months, while Lance Corporal E-3 gets ahead in fourteen months. In addition, Corporal E-4 moves ahead in twenty three months, whereas sergeant E-5 spends 4.8 years to move ahead. Staff Sergeant E-6 gets the promotion in 10.4 years. On the other hand, Gunnery Sergeant E-7 gets promotion in 14.8 years. Masters Sergeant and First Sergeant get the promotion equally and it takes 18.8 years. And lastly, Master Gunnery Sergeant or Sergeant Major E-9 work for 22.1 years for promotion.

Time In Grade
Furthermore, there have been some meritorious promotions for Time In Grade. For instance, Private First Class E-2 doesn’t need to get TIS. Besides, Lance Corporal E-3 doesn’t have to TIS requirement. However, Corporal E-4 has to take six months’ TIS, while Sergeant E-5 has to take it for 18 months’ TIS. Moreover, Staff Sergeant E-6 must take 4 years’ TIS. And Gunnery Sergeant E-7 gets 6 years’ TIS, while Master Sergeant E-8 must get 8 years’ TIS.
All in all, all the ranks change on the base of responsibilities and education in marine corps. Thus, you may want to be one of them. However, you should be careful about these responsibilities of ranks. Since, the rank might change on the base of commander in some occasions. You should assess all these situations by means of patience and working too much. You must be aware of all these necessities and their period. Thus, you can learn how to promote in marine corps and how the responsibilities change and how the marine corps are listed. Besides, you can learn how the abbreviations of these corps along with responsibilities. Breathe and watch the promotions! You can be one of them, too.