Interview acceptance e-mail that you expect has reached your mail address. They’re calling you for an interview.
Have You Got Your Interview Acceptance e-mail?
Your CV has attracted a lot of attention from the employer. It was also important for you to be interviewed in your cover letter. The next step is to prepare for an interview. But before sending a impatient, exciting response, you should review what you need to know about the interview.
- How long is the interview? This is an important issue for you because you should get a permission from current job that you work.
- In which position you will perform the interview with the person. Because depending on the answers here, you have to do more than the company statistics, mission and market place. It may be useful to know what people in the fund are doing and what skills they bring to the organization.
- It is important that you get information about what you need. Will there be a conversation or a presentation? Getting prepared according to the answer will give you an advantage during the interview.

Interview Acceptance Letter Template
Here are some rules you should keep in mind when writing your confirmation e-mail. You should be carefull while you are writing to respond person. Also you should choose the “Reply All” option. If others were copied on the message, this will include everyone on the employer’s side informed about your response.
TO: (the person who sent you the invitation)
CC: (others who were copied on the invitation message)
Subject: RE: (subject from the invitation message) or Subject: Confirming Interview on date and time)
You can start by saying “Thank you for your opportunity” or “I am writing to verify the details of the conversation”.
The recruitment manager may be setting up several calls, so you should write including the job title and name to the email subject line.
You should bring a few copies of your resume to your interview.
However, some companies have other documents during the interview – social security card, work portfolio etc. You may ask what they need. You can find an example of interview acceptance e-mail at below.
Dear Johnatta,
I’m very pleased to hear the good news from you.
I look forward to coming to your office and meeting your team. According to the dates that you mentioned, I can attend the interview on 5 May at 13.00.
I requested to answer a few questions for the meeting.
1) How long do you expect for the interview? So I will plan my time depending on meeting time
2) Is it appropriate for you to prepare a presentation for the interview? Do you think making a conversation? How do you plan for the interview?
3) Please let me know who to meet with and how long I will stay with each person or whether there is a group interview.
Thank you very much for your interest and this invitation. If I can provide you with any further information prior to the interview, please let me know.
I hope you’ll enjoy spend the rest of the week!
Yours sincerely,
Susanna Jachons
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: + 01 2545465742