Some people who will graduate from the university degree would like to find a job easily. They do achieve this by means of lecturers they come across from university lecturers. How? They would like lecturers to write about recommendation letter for younger candidates. This will enable them to get a job easily following days. If you are a new graduate from university, you can also asses this selection by means of a respectful request from the lecturers you have in the university. They generally don’t refuse this request so that they will shape their future with their own wish. Thus, they can write your recommendation letter willingly both at home and at the university. They can brag about your skills. Especially, they will mention about your skills and qualifications. Therefore, this passage emphasizes how you request the lecturer to write a recommendation letter and what steps you should follow during this period.
Request for Recommendation Letter
You can express your wish to the lecturer by means of your success at school, grade points average, resume, academic performance you show during your education or training. Besides, you can also mention about the activities you take place in willingly. You also determine the due date for the submission. This will enable the lecturer you wish will help you to work there or any other places.
He or she will write a well organized recommendation letter about your skills and achievements from grade points average to the leadership features you possess. Thus, it will be easy for him to persuade the department you wish.
How do They Persuade?
They will easily persuade the department you wish by means of your success. It will also be useful to show your occupations you had while working. For instance, you worked for children during your education. He will talk about your struggles for career, too. He will mention about your educational skills along with your success, scholarship, volunteer activities you perform.
- Success
- Scholarship you get
- Grade Points Average
- Volunteer Activities
- Presentation skills
- Educational Career Target
All of these steps will increase the possibility to work for the university you graduate from. The lecturers will sort the problems out effectively by means of well organized recommendation letter. If you really want to take place in the positions of your university, your lecturers will see the light to work love on your blood. Thus, they will, of course, would like to help you.
Example of Recommendation Letter
After this admittance, you have just found out that you have been elected for the university. So, what will you do then? Of course you should write down a well prepared thank you letter.
Michel Barbara
123 Evenue
Town, Ca 345
March, 6 2019
Kim Daniel
Office Register
Lisbon University
Dear Mrs. Daniel,
I really support John Smith as a candidate for the school. I worked with John in Oxford University.
While he was at school, He got 3.78 GPA by getting many achievements, awards and scholarships. In addition, he was the top of the list on the base of success in my branch. The other lecturers are also proud of him in our college.
Besides, He was teaching in the primary school for children. He also improved himself in educational department. While he was studying, he was working to go on life. He taught how to speak foreign languages in these schools.
He achieved all these by working too much. His attitude towards people is excellent. In addition, he can get achievement in each area he signs. And he created a new atmosphere by using new teaching techniques.
He also tries to improve himself in communication skills and his verbal usage is superior. His organization skills and teaching skills are above expectations along with reliable attitude.
He could be a good candidate for your department or program. I believe that he will be successful in your department. Provided that you possess any questions, I will answer immediately. Don’t hesitate to send me email.
Michel Barbara

Thank You Letter
You feel so excited to begin a new career life for you. Thus, it is the time to thank your lecturers. You can share your happiness with him or her immediately with respectful voice.
John Carter
456 Evenue
Town, CA 0009
March 3, 2019
Trevor Johnny
Chair, Department of What
Oxford College
Dear Joe,
I do thank you very much for your reference letter. I improved my knowledge and skills in Oxford University. Your esteemed personality gave me the chance for my life.
There is good news from the Oxford University in that I will begin to work there next week. I do really thank you very much for your support. Besides, you spent much time on writing this letter for me.
Yours Faithfully
Trevor Johnny
All in all, you can see how recommendation letter should be, how you can request it and how you should thank the lecturer you have. You shouldn’t ignore the reality in that each reference is a device that shapes your future effectively. Don’t hesitate to wish request from the lecturers, provided that your success is worthy of doing this. The lecturers will not refuse the request you do easily. On the other hand, it will open new doors for your career. Thus, you will be able to add your career to the resume for next positions.