There are many people dreaming to work in USA, so they would like to learn some steps to achieve this. They don’t know how to get the permission from USA. But there are many steps that they must do. They would be careful about each step to generate it. And then they will easily reach their targets. While some people go to USA for education, the other people prefer to go USA via language schools. They get OPT, which is not the sole solution to work there permanently. They should also follow important steps in order to get the permission to work in USA. Thus, this passage emphasizes these important steps to work for the permission in USA such as training, people having specific jobs, circumstances, drawing of lots and Green Card.

Get Permission to Work in USA
Training will be the most important step for your life. Since everybody has a graduation certificate. Thus, Provided that you possess a visa of J-1, you could work up to 12 months in abroad legally. If you come by means of Trainee program, it will be longer by 18 months. It is certain end permission. It is not sole solution to work in America. Your training program should be related with the branch you study. Your training might begin when you graduate. Especially the younger people who study at university should go and work in USA for training.
OPT might be useful for trainee, which depicts your eagerness or you can increase the communication with other companies by means of references. You should be aware of the rule of two year. Since, there is an explanation includes that Two year rule does apply, which means that service obligation should be done by the institution that gives you scholarship.
People Having Specific Jobs (H-1B)
H-1B is a visa to work temporarily. There are some circumstances of it.
- People should be at least on the level of bachelors’ degree.
- It is important for your graduation certificate on the balance with America standards.
- Your experiences, references and achievements are pretty important on this situation. But it is optional.
Thus, to get in the period quickly, do the best as soon as possible.
Drawing of Lots and Its Period
It is not always possible to get H-1B despite the fact that you supply all the circumstances. Since, USA saves its citizens and gives much importance to the equality. Thus, there are some limitations in that 85.000 foreigners should work. This quota can change on the base of political reasons. Provided that USA has many candidates over the quota, it begins to eliminate the people by means of draws. However, you should know that USA gets the people whose education levels are higher such as master. Besides, you can achieve the application of green card through this.
After Drawing
If the result is positive for you, you can easily apply for H-1B. If there is no news from the visa, consult a consulate. If there is no problem, 1st of October is the beginning date for your job in USA.
If Drawing Has Negative Result
- Try it next year again.
- There are many companies that transfer you to Europe.
There are two opportunities you can assess this period.
H1-B Is Important, Why?
- You get the permission to work for three years in USA legally. The company also makes it longer up to 6 years.
- In the passport, there is a note showing the company you work for. You cannot work as freelance there, and you cannot open a place for you. It is prohibition.
- You cannot work for any other countries. You are just responsible for the position in USA.
- It gives you the chance to have a Green Card in two years and then you will be able to work there permanently. After 5 years, you can also apply for the citizenship for USA.
Transfer in Company (L-1)
You can get this visa of L-1, provided that you work there over 365 days by transferring to America office.
- It is for engineering that longs for 5 years.
- There s no period of drawing of lots.
- You can have a visa in 2 or 3 months.
- Circumstances are resemble in H-1B
- Your spouse could have a permission to work with application of EAD.
- It is the kind of visa especially entrepreneurs benefit from.
Extraordinary Qualifications (O-1)
Visa of O-1 is for the people who possess extraordinary qualifications in athlete, education, art and science. Provided that you have achievements, speeches, articles, you can research this visa.
Merchants (E-1, E-2)
Provided that you supply with the circumstances such as recruitment of the American employees in your company, you can take this visa, too. It is the visa that entrepreneurs prefer.
Green Card and Citizenship
Green card gives the people to inhabit and work permanently.
- You can work with green card as the citizens in USA. You can change your company when you wish.
- You can open a new company for you by means of investments.
- You can also apply for the citizenship after 5 years.
How You Can Have This Card?
- When you come to USA, the period begins. Approximately 2 years later, you can get it.
- You can get married with a person who is citizen of USA.
- Provided that your relative achieved to get this card, he or she could assist you to take this card for you.
Consequently, there are many ways to inhabit and work in USA. However, you must know almost each visa to get the permission to work in USA. You can also make some assessments by reading this article. Thus, it will not be dream to work in USA by following these steps. Besides, your life will change into the brilliance by means of these visas. It must be difficult at first, but you should try it even once. Get the permission and move ahead in USA!