Resume is a document which is well-prepared and include your information, skill and experiences. It is just a document but it has a big role on the employer. So, the way to write a well resume is to know which experiences, skills and information you have. Besides that, you know all of these characteristics, you should make an order all of these points. Your resume should affect the employer.
To write an effective resume, the first step is to make a situation assessment. It can be also a self assessment.
Before writing a resume, you should ask these questions yourself;
- Which skills do I have?
- Which strengths do I have?
- Why should they hire me?
- How person does the company look for to accept for the job?
- What is an ideal position for me? Should I work singly or should I work in a team?
- If I make a job change, why do I make?
After you give answers to these questions, the turn of ordering this information;
- What is my aim? How responsibility do I look for?
- Summary of my skills and information
- Summary of my experience
- My other educations and studies
- My information about PC
- Foreign languages
- Other information which I want to emphasize (Like interests)

Format of a Resume
- Personal data
- Name
- Local address
- Permanent address
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Current work objective
- Special skills & qualities related to objective
- Languages
- Computer skills, etc.
- Certificates received
- Education
- Work experience
- Volunteer work, community involvement, association memberships
- Publications, presentations & reports
- Activities & interests
Necessary Notes for Writing a Well Resume
- Your resume should take for just 1 page.
- You should write your resume on web.
- Don’t write information which is not related with the job application which you apply for. (Marital status, age, length and weight, etc.)
- After you write your resume, check your punctuation marks, grammar and spelling mistakes.
Creating a Well Resume
A well-prepared resume gives an impression that you are a regular and ready person. It makes you special between lots of people. In a normal job application, the employer or Human Resources Specialist or manager just looks at your resume when they have a problem which they want to solve. So, a well resume should show the person’s problem-solving feature.
Your resume should show your value, quality and qualifications. The important one in a resume is what you live in your educational life or business life and how reaction you show while something is becoming and how contribution you provide. Shortly, it is the thing which you made at school and business life when you come across bad things.
Resumes are documents which employers or Human Resources Specialist or manager generally reads in their daily lifes. But it isn’t such an unjoyful work. So, if you want to affect employer or Human Resources Specialist or manager with your resume, you should keep it short and briefly. Don’t write too much words but write whatever you make until today. Write your achievements lonely and so much.
You should bring your strengths into the forefront; your weaknesses should remain in the background. A well-prepared resume prepares you a job application. While you are writing what have you done until today, you keep them in your mind. You feel being sure yourself in the job interview. Employer or Human Resources Specialist or manager asks questions to you upon your resume in the job application. So, it makes your work easier. Also, don’t forget that when all of job interviews complete, employer of Human Resources Specialist or manager will look at all of resumes again and maybe he or she will remember you.
What is Difference Between Resume and CV?
CV is curriculum vitae. It takes for two or more than two pages. Resume takes for just one page. In your CV, you write your experiences, achievements, skills, educational background, your awards, presentations, publications, articles, studies, etc. In your resume, you summarize your skills, experiences and educational background. You provide for reader to have information about you in a short time with your resume. But CV is more detailed document which is used for a new job and also applying for job application. If you are applying for a university as academical, if you are applying as a research assistant, if you are applying for an international grant application, if you want to prepare a project for foreign universities, if you prepare a joint project with a foreign university, you should prepare a CV before you apply for them. CV is more detailed and resume is shorter document.