Regarding the information
The information, names, images and video detail mentioned in our post are the property of their respective owners & source.
fotolip cannot guarantee the validity of the information.
Fotolip are NOT OWNING the videos mentioned and linked throughout this site. Fotolip consists of a compilation of public information that are available for anyone and freely accessible on the internet.
If you are the rightful owner of the videos and/or site listed and linked on this site and wants to remove them from our site, please contact us through our email at mail.datemplate[at] or please visit our DMCA & Copyright page for more thorough and detailed official-steps in taking down your copyrighted-property.
Regarding the designs
The designs, products and names mentioned in our galleries are the property of their respective owners & designers.
Fotolip are NOT affiliated with the products and/or names mentioned and linked throughout this site. Fotolip consists of a compilation of public information that are available and accessible on the internet.
If you are the rightful owner of the design and/or site listed and linked on this site and wants to remove them from our site, please contact us through our email at mail.datemplate[at] or please visit our DMCA & Copyright page for more thorough and detailed official-steps in taking down your copyrighted-property.
Additional information on the designs
Fotolip might rename and/or add a few or more additional information alongside the designs, videos and pictures, as an effort to better inform our visitors with the designs displayed in our galleries.
The modifications made to design, photo and video names or titles, whether it’s significant or not, aren’t meant to alter the initial and genuine meaning, functions, and information of the videos.
If you found that those modifications to the design names or titles are misleading and uninformative, or if you’re the rightful owner and/or designer and need us to revert back the modified-info of your designs you found in our galleries, please let us know through mail.datemplate[at]
We hope you found our site useful.
Thank you for visiting fotolip.